Nagios plugins can be run on libreNMS, here's how to add this plugin
1. Install the Nagios plugin by typing the command below
[root@dev ~]# apt install nagios-plugins
2. Edit config.php librenms at /opt/librenms/config.php then add the command line below
[root@dev ~]# vi /opt/librenms/config.php
$config['show_services'] = 1;
$config['nagios_plugins'] = '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins';
$config['nagios_plugins'] = '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins';
3. Next step edit and add the command line to crond.d / libreNMS according to the command below
[root@dev ~]# nano /etc/cron.d/librenms
*/5 * * * * librenms /opt/librenms/check-services.php >> /dev/null 2>&1
4. Setting Done